
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Part 2,Continued.

This time I'm dreaming.I guess I must have achieved REM sleep for the first time tonight.When I awake I reach for a thin coil notebook to get it down, before the memory leaves me.It's a strategy often suggested to me by other writers, but one I use infrequently.Too Freudian,perhaps, too littered with sex and death,and I'm not ready to die, and if anything in the world is overrated, that would be sex.In fact,I'm not really sure dreams have much of a meaning at all, except that random neurons are firing rapidly, and thus creating illusions.But that can't be true, because God spoke to his prophets through dreams.

There is an oak tree standing in a garden.A man come into the garden and cuts off a lower limb.Then a young girl on a horse comes by, and cuts off another limb.And a very tall woman with flowing red hair comes and does likewise.The tree would soon be limbless,but for the fact that the limbs grow back very quickly.Then a baby bird falls from the upper branches, onto the ground, and a large grey cat pounces on it and carries it away.And I awaken.

Other dreams are written in the notebook too:

In a garden there is a mountain ash tree.It's late at night but there is a lot of light from the moon.There are tomatoes growing all about, huge and ripe.Under the mountain ash there is an old style claw footed bathtub, and I am in the tub with a woman named Angie.We are not doing anything at all,save for reaching out and picking tomatoes,the eating them whole.The seeds fall into the water, and the red berries from the tree drop into the water as well.They make large splashes.Angie and I are now trying to kiss each other, but we can't reach one another.


I'm standing on a tall ladder overlooking a sort of a square, like the kind you would find in the towns of Old Mexico.By a wall there are two tall sunflowers, and they begin to paint a white wall with spray paint, until a beautiful picture appears.I can't tell what it is, but I can't take my eyes from it;

Then two murderers enter the square, first one, then the other.They are darkly clothed, and it is night time.Far out on the horizon, the sun is just starting to edge up over the horizon, but it appears only slightly, then rises no farther.The murderers might be anyone.I can't see their faces.They might be men, or women.When the second one comes,the two meet face to face in the square,and one raises up a hand,and the other is slain and lies dead.The murderer leaves the square, only to return later, as the slain person is arising from the ground.The murdered person, now living again approaches his slayer, raises a hand, and the slayer is now slain.Then the second murderer leaves the garden.And this goes on two more times.By what means the murder takes place I cannot tell.Then the two leave together,the sunflowers die,the sun fully rises and the square is choked with rhododendron.The ladder I'm standing on is tilted towards a building,but it's top is not touching the building.


I am riding a fine gray horse, and we are going on a foxhunt.There is a profusion of dogs all around us.Dogs of every color and description, and they are baying.Then I become a fox,running through the fields, being chased by the dogs and horses.But they just keep on racing past me, seeming to be unaware of my presence.Then, once again I am myself,standing in a dark rainy place,and shoveling coal into a blast furnace.There are horses inside the furnace.


I grab the notebook and write down tonight's dream.A quick trip to the bathroom.Someone's pissed on the toilet rim again.Then into the refrigerator for a quick swallow of coke.The clock says 3:39.I'm thinking about the dream.And sometime after four Am.I drift off into fitful sleep again.

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